Start your Fat Rabbit collection today!
Share the magic of Carrot Top Island with your little ones and help us find a cure for MND - we donate profits from all sales to research!

Vale Wayne
On Tuesday 9th October Wayne Patterson, author of the Fat Rabbit series, lost his battle with Motor Neurone Disease. In his absence his family will continue his legacy and we are now even more determined to find a cure for this awful disease after watching such a great man suffer for so long. Thank you to everyone who has supported Wayne over the years through his Fat Rabbit endeavours; every order placed put a smile on his face, every photo shared filled his heart with happiness.
Please help keep his legacy going by giving the gift of Fat Rabbit or donating to The Fat Rabbit Research Grant. Wayne had a goal of $10,000 and we still have a little way to go!
From the Author
In 2015, aged 58, I was diagnosed with terminal Motor Neurone Disease and was ‘given’ 2 to 5 years. MND has no known cause, no effective treatment and there is no cure. It attacks the limbs, breathing and swallowing of its victims but leaves the mind intact.
Predictably I went through all the typical stages from denial through to anger and finally, acceptance. I reflected on the many things I achieved in my lifetime, from my humble beginnings as a motor mechanic to being a successful CEO of multi-million dollar companies and, more importantly, a father and husband. My creed has always been to make the best of the hand that you have been dealt, hence my decision to leave a legacy for my children and future grandchildren in the form of the Fat Rabbit series.
One regret is that I will not grow old with my future grandchildren nor be able to share with them the stories my own children grew up with. My voice is already deteriorating and will shortly go forever. Hence Fat Rabbit moves from aural history to written. Through him my voice will go on forever.
I hope you enjoy the series and the knowledge that funds raised will go towards Motor Neurone research.
Enough rabbiting on…
Wayne Patterson
FAIM Lifetime Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management
MBA Master Business Administration
Bachelor of Business
Diploma Accounting
A Grade Motor Mechanic

Who is Fat Rabbit?
Fat Rabbit is a character Wayne Patterson created in his own childhood. He was a simple line drawing who started out on the inside of Wayne’s wardrobe door at home.
At his core, Fat Rabbit represents a set of family values and a warm loving presence. He lives on Carrot Top Island and in the hearts of those Wayne leaves behind. Who better to be his voice?

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